Walk with them, so they can walk with God’s global family

If you, your family, or your parish can raise £42 a month for four years you can help realise a vocation in a mission diocese, and help build a strong and vibrant Church for the future.

In mission dioceses in Africa and Asia, it costs at least £700 a year to train a seminarian (student for the Priesthood). Despite the sacrifices made by their families and parish communities, and the Seminaries’ efforts to grow their own food, it is a struggle for them to cover the full costs of Seminary training.

Missio believes no vocation should be turned away through lack of funds. That’s why the Holy Father asks us to channel help from our supporters in England and Wales to our Church overseas.

How it works

There are two ways to join our Seminarian sponsorship scheme:

  1. You can DONATE (as an individual or on behalf of a group or parish). This gives you the option to set up a regular payment - monthly, quarterly, annually or all at once - from a single account, to see your seminarian through their four years of training. 

  2. You can FUNDRAISE - an option which gives you the opportunity to set up a fundraising page (this is very easy to do, we will guide you through it) and ask people to add their fundraising money to the page. This option works well for parishes and groups who will be aiming to raise a total annual amount of £500 for 4 years rather than a regular sum. 

Whichever giving option you choose, you will receive the name of a student in the first of his final four years of Theology studies. He will also receive your name and hold you in prayer. You can choose to correspond, if you wish. Your personal contact information will not be provided as correspondence goes via Missio. 

Our five partners in India, Malawi, Cameroon, Sri Lanka and Nigeria send Missio the names of eligible seminarians. Once we receive your commitment to sponsor a student, we will allocate a seminarian to you.